Welcome to LGBTAmish.com,
a network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
Amish and ex-Amish!

LGBTAmish.com facilitates a conversation within Amish communities about LGBT issues, a conversation which cannot be ignored.
LGBTAmish.com offers support, education, networking opportunities, and friendship to those who share in our mission. This is a safe place to share stories and struggles,
a place to find understanding, support, and community.
Find out more about OUR VOICES...
LGBTAmish.com offers support, education, networking opportunities, and friendship to those who share in our mission. This is a safe place to share stories and struggles,
a place to find understanding, support, and community.
Find out more about OUR VOICES...
"Today the Old Order Amish church (and many Mennonites) stands resistant to the public changing tide on LGBT rights, a more public acceptance and same-sex marriage equality.
The launch of LGBTAmish.com is a much needed outreach/support and long overdue...Amish youth are forced to remain in the closet or leave both family and a faith
community that continues to shun its LGBTQ minority. As more LGBT ex-Amish/Mennonites come out, dialogue, resources and support remain vital."
- James Schwartz, literaryparty.blogspot.com